14 Apr Why ICT Support is More than Just Insurance
Many schools view ICT support as a kind of insurance policy for the school. You know you have to pay for some kind of support, but there’s a temptation to go for the cheapest possible option. After all, it works with car insurance – so why not ICT?
But ICT support isn’t just about reacting to incidents and requests, or getting the bare minimum to keep the lights on. It’s a key driver that supports your ability to meet deadlines, serve pupils and make the most of your working day.
Prevention is Better than Cure
If you’ve shopped around for car insurance, you might have been offered a black box policy. With these arrangements, the insurer supplies a monitor that’s fitted to your car to encourage careful driving. These companies know that it’s far better to prevent accidents from happening, rather than clean up the mess once they happen.
Similarly, in ICT, schools know deep down that it’s best to fix something before it fails, and that’s a strategy we wholly believe in. We invest time and care in ensuring that all ICT is fit for purpose, and we assess the ability of your network to cope with peak demand. If you can rely on your support provider to do this kind of groundwork, they’ll minimise the risk of serious ICT emergencies, which will undoubtedly save you time, money and stress in the long run.
If the worst does happen, your ICT team should be able to step in and help immediately. An approved garage has expertise on your car, and similarly, your ICT team should have thorough knowledge of your systems. In our experience, trusting an unprepared, unskilled ICT support team can only ever lead to more problems.
Trusting Your Provider
Cheap car insurance may look perfectly adequate on paper, but when it comes to the crunch, you might find your cover is not all it seems. Many people opt for the cheapest possible protection, only to find that the claims procedure is lengthy, complicated and confusing.
With ICT support, you need the equivalent of fully comprehensive cover. Your school needs the peace of mind to know that the support team can resolve all problems. It’s no good paying for support provision if the terms of cover are limited, because time is of the essence when the next lesson is looming.
Trusol prides itself on offering the highest standards of service, focusing on a proactive approach to problem resolution. Where possible, we’ll monitor and fix problems before you’re even aware of them. And if you do need to get in touch, we offer a one-stop-shop for all of your questions.
If your current ICT support provider opts out of fixing certain issues, or tells you to contact the manufacturer if a piece of hardware fails, that’s simply not good enough. Trusol is committed to covering every component, from the cable that connects your computer to the internet, to the servers that store teachers’ essential lesson plans. We are responsible for sorting out every ICT issue, and we won’t fob you off with excuses.
Investing in the Best
Cheap car insurance may be a headline-grabber, but there’s a time and a place for cutting corners. Your school ICT is an essential service, and your users should expect the very best.
Trusol has a team of skilled engineers standing by to answer users’ queries, and we take great pride in the high standards of cover we offer.
If your ICT support service is falling short of expectations, it’s leaving your school open to risk. Give our team a test drive, and find out how the job should be done.